Solar Diploma
We are currently developing an online SOLAR DIPLOMA cowhich will teach students across the United Kingdom about the key underlying technologies used in the design and manufacture of a solar car including units on batteries, solar cells, electric motors, the use of Fusion 360 and Control Technology.
The course will be a rigorous and nationally-recognised way of developing an in-depth understanding and use of the latest technologies. The skills acquired and the practical knowledge gained will greatly assist the students to undertake careers in engineering and design.
Course Units
Unit 1 Introduction to Basic Physics
Unit 2 Batteries
Unit 3 Solar Cells
Unit 4 Motors
Unit 5 Use of Tools
Unit 6 Use of Fusion 360 (Finite Element Analysis)
Unit 7 Electronics
Sample Theory Lessons
Conductors and Insulators
Beneath are several sample lessons on basic topics which form the cornerstone of the course.